Production Information

Production Type

We understand that one size doesn’t always fit all, which is why we offer different production processes to create and perfect your fleet’s look. At Graphic Designs International, we won’t limit you to a single production method, allowing for the flexibility to mix and match to meet your unique needs.

Whether you need a printed kit, cut vinyl kit, or a little bit of both – we’ve got you covered!

Digital Printing

Our large-format digital printers apply custom designs to our vinyl, producing stunning original graphics.
We’re able to produce a wide array of colors to perfect your graphic kits and offer the flexibility to create your unique design.
Our expert team will also apply UV protectants for longer graphic life, further protecting your


Most Flexible

Stunning Original Graphics

UV protectant applied for longer life

image of a digital printing machine
image of a cut & layered vinyl

Cut and Layered Vinyl

Simple, professional, and cost-effective our cut and layered vinyl graphics have a long active life and will stretch your budget even further.
We offer a large catalog of pigmented vinyl and multi-stripe roll goods for your vehicle kit,
providing long graphic life and easy repairs!


Select from any of our pigmented vinyl

Long lasting life

Quick and easy repairs